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Shipping & Returns

Shipping & Return Policy

Shipping methods

We are proud to use both Australia Post and Sendle for our delivery services.

All packages require a signature to prevent being stolen or lost.


Shipping prices

Shipping Prices range from $15

Shipment tracking will be emailed to you after purchase, and once your order is sent out for delivery. You will be emailed when your order is out for delivery. Tracking may take up to 24 hours after email to be activated.


Return shipping

In the highly unlikely event of a faulty product, you will be required to pay the initial return price; Once the faulty product has been dealt with and either replaced & returned or refunded, you will be refunded the return shipping cost.


Handling & testing time

Handling time depends on the product you purchased. 

Handling time is 5 - 10 days.

We ensure every product is fully stress tested to ensure stability and quality.


delivery timeframe

Once delivery has been organised with either Australia post or Sendle, you will be emailed the tracking information.

Standard delivery times range from 2 to 7 business days.

If you require express shipping please email us at:




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